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just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share ...

Friday, June 12, 2015

Give it a try!

It's always nice to hear your growing up boys are begging to go to MPH or Popular Bookstore instead of ToysRUs. Last week, they went to one with my sis and she bought them some books. Aimar bought himself the first series of the wimpy kid, which I was surprised as I don't expect that from him and he did read the book! Aidan got himself the do it yourself wimpy kid book.
Aimar insisted to get his own copy and we managed to get one for him yesterday. Trust me! You would want to buy this for your kids. But when you bought it and before handing it over to the kids and if you have more than one kid, you might one to make a copy of the whole book as the book is very personalized..I didn't do it as I was skeptical that Aimar would like it. Man, I was so wrong. He loves it! This boy just have zero tolerance with patience and couldn't steady still for five minutes just for good book, but he loves this book. It's not a reading book. It's a personalized journal with a guide and it allows the children till write anything they could think of and anything they could imagine, wants, need and everything. 
It's good. It's like a workbook exercise but this time I don't have to force him to do the exercise. 
To me,the book helps in developing the children creative thinking and reflects the real child hidden behind those hyperactive beyond control child. It helps with English spelling and grammars too. At least its a good starting point to identify their strong and weak points and understanding . 
I decided not to guide them when they work on the book. I didn't make fun if their ideas and I praise them well. I realized  with evidences, how different these two boys of mine are in ideas, characters, wants, ambitions, and how they want their future to be. Trust me, I'm enjoying it. Yup, Aidan wrote that he wants to be a navy when he grew up and Aimar wants a 100" LCD TV in his dream house; nothing of living up to mama 's dreams, but I know it's comforting to know that drugs and alcohol are not good for them. 

Hurry, get a copy of this book.