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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Quiz online

Commuting to and from school and house was supposed to be a short one. But due to the MRR2 high dense user, I found it it is beneficial if Aidan or Aimar could make use their time in goodwill instead of youtubing or so forth.

So, I googled 'how to create online quiz free' and came across this site quizstar.4teachers.org which i find it beneficial.

I've created few quizzes (8 to-date) so far. And for now, I haven't made it public as I wanted to make sure I got everything in place and insyaallah, will made it public one day.

So, every morning and every afternoon, before they could use the phone to watch the football updates or youtubings, i would make sure they did some exercise from the quizzes.

A quick one, they may learn some they may not. but worth a try.

Currently, I'm focusing on BM tatabahasa multiple choice. Aidan needs a lot of practice on that to prepare him for the UPSR.

Insyallah, will do more in time so that I can get Aimar prepared as well.

If anyone is interested, please picked the class and I would approve it. This is FREE.

And so how?

1. Go to the web: quizstar.4teachers.org, click on the student login page.

 2. Register accordingly.
 3. enrol for class, search new class.
 4. to choose my class, search for class 'UPSR 2017' and click exact match.
 5. Choose to register for class.  I will approve the request and your children could start doing the quizzes immediately.

6. When they have been approved, they can start using the site and do the quizzes. So far, I have the following for them to 'play' with.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

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