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Monday, March 16, 2015

Khalifah Child

a sharing from mothers to mothers - credits to Tchr Shormiza, Principal of Khalifah Method School, Ampang, KL.
'Khalifah' in Arabic is often translated as 'vicegerent' which means one who acts in the place of leader or king.

Before Adam a.s. being created, Allah swt made everything else, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planers, the air, the water, the animal and every other things and beings. Human being were then created, to be the Khalifah in this Earth. There's an important job that awaits us, to acts on behalf of Allah while we are living being in the Earth, before the ultimate world of akhirat; heaven and hell. 

We should keep reminding us these responsibilities. 

And being a parents, we should know, the child that was bestowed upon us is a khalifah in the making, and we have to ensure they do understand the real concept of being a khalifah child. 

A khalifah concept may sound 'too islamic' or 'arabic', but somehow. it was not supposed to be misinterpret it as some 'extremist' might take it. 

A simple concept introduced by Prof Muhammad al Mahdi (and a concept that the Khalifah Method adhere to) is not to be understood that we are trying to shape our children to become of the religious jihadist that always been misunderstood and seems to be overboards on the actions they took such as ISIS or any other things.

When kids are given two things, which is
1. A positive, accurate and motivational worldview
2. A good understanding of the Laws of Learning
They will naturally move in the direction of all that is good and right. 

The idea is to introduce three simple basics that being khalifah require us to 
1. perfect ourselves
2. help others' to be good
3. perfect the physical world for all living beings

Let's instill these ideas to our kids. 

One of the greatest Islam philosopher, scientist, medical doctor and an educator, Ibn Sina has defined three stages of educating our children.  

Shared here an interesting summary on his description about stages of educating children. 

It is understood that every child is born unique even if they were twins of few microseconds. Handling one and each of them would be different and as time passes by, the child we knew last week might not be the same boy that stood in front of us today. 

As they grow, they would discover their 'free-will'. 

While we can, we should 'groom' our children so that when they understand that they do have free-wills and they can just use it and best is to use it at the right intentions, right aims, right actions and for the good of themselves, others and the worlds. 

We, the parents, should grab the chances to use the rightful way of Laws of Learning, so that the could have a motivational and accurate worldview. 

We could, insyallah. 

To start with, introduce them to the concept of Allah. Nope, not really the part Allah would punish them if they missed their prayers and so on...but teach them how merciful and loving Allah is. Tell them the Greatness of Allah being the Creator.. how beautiful the rainbows are and how great the fish could survive in the water. Teach them the idea of Allah sees and knows. They just have to ask and pray whenever, and if the time is right, Allah will grant their wish and if not Allah has a better plan for them. 

A very simple straightforward concept, but would be essential and a good start. 

Let's try. 

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